Tips on Troubleshooting Video Problems

It's confirmed there are incompatibilities in Internet Explorer which prevent the video from playing. All videos play just fine on other browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari). Sorry, I didn't realize this problem sooner. I've been using Firefox all this time and it's been a while since I tested the site on IE. If you don't have one installed already, here is a link to download .

Some of you are having troubles watching these videos. They are in higher quality than the ones on YouTube, hence bigger file size. Not to mention they are also not divided into small parts (unless for movies which run for more than one hour). Consequently, they require high speed bandwidth. If your internet connection is not so fast, you should at least make the most out of it. I suggest to temporarily avoid sharing the same connection with other computers and softwares. Yes, it includes those porn and hentai downloads. ;p

Try the following for problems where videos are not playing for their entire length or not even loading at all:

  • Use the [+/-] Show/Hide Video link to reload it.
  • Restart your web browser.
Additional tips from fellow Outcasts:
  • Restart your web browser, go to Properties and clear your cache/temporary internet files, cookies, and history.
  • Right click on the video and go to Settings. Click on the folder icon to the left of the Close button and increase the Local Storage space.
Another tip is clicking pause on video will not stop it from loading. The video does not play but it loads in the background. If you have slower internet connection, make sure you don't leave any videos in pause (other than the one you are watching). Clicking [+/-] Show/Hide Video link to hide the video will stop it from loading.

Some people are having a hard time finding the video. They are hidden to save space so that all the latest episodes are in one page. All you need to do is click on the text link [+/-] Show/Hide Video. <= Go ahead try it out. Clicking it will toggle to either Show or Hide the video. Well, in this case it's a Tetris game. Thanks to these Russians, I still can't get enough of it even at the age of Wii, PS3, and XBOX360.

P – Pause/unpause game

Q – Quit game

M – Mute/unmute sound

Z – Rotate counter-clockwise

Left arrow – Move shape left

Right arrow – Move shape right

Down arrow – Drop shape faster

X or
Up – Rotate clockwise

Bleach 125

"Urgent information! Aizen's terrific plot!"
Spoiler Warning!! [+/-] Show/Hide Synopsis...


Unknown said...


i finally got a google screen name (just for this site). I must say though Anitube, im . . . dissapointed in you.
:(_ you posted up Bleach 125 and . . . AND . . . THERE WAS NO BLEACH 125!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyways im over it now PLEASE GOD POST IT SOON I WANA SEE!


Anonymous said...

lol dont get over excited bout it cause they gonna post it soon enough!

anitube said...

BHUAHAHAHAAA!! (btw, that's my evil laugh). It's part of building the suspense. If it makes you feel better, I haven't watched it either. Still downloading...

Anonymous said...

youtube has it

Anonymous said...

youtube has it raw, not subbed at the moment, you might want to have been more clear on that, unless you know, just wanted to be rude.

Anonymous said...

i wanna know if they dedicate this whole episode to a battle between ichigo and his inner hollow.... casue the last time we saw those eyes was in the beginning of the whole series. and when that happened, ichigo went insane! lol.

so just wondering if they get the fight over with or do they stretch it out and make it awsome... lol.


man_with_a_pan said...

finaly out

Anonymous said...

hey, i can't read all the caption. is this a joke? am i in hell?


seriously fix it please.

Anonymous said...

you guys are the best. the episodes i want are there almost right after they come out. but there is something wrong with the kekkaishi episodes. i think veoh deleted them.

Anonymous said...

You guys and your site are freaking awesome! I come here all the time now. Keep up the great work.. You guys rock!

Unknown said...


Please read the comment that is posted right under Bleach 125

"So that you can be one of the first to watch Bleach 125 Sub, this video is temporarily streamed from my own server. I am warning you that it's in lower quality to save my bandwidth. It's gonna take a few more hours to have Veoh finished processing it. Enjoy!"

This might be the reason it is in a worsened quality and why you might not be able to read all the captions. If it is to much of a hastle please just wait until tomorrow to watch it as im sure VoeH will have completed subbing it by then.

To Anitube, I love you, marry me, you published it early ^.^ (thats kinda gay but its in a mental way so take it like that lol)

Anonymous said...

ultimate win. Hollow ichigo transformation rocks. better look than anything so far. video currently stops at 9:31. but I know you still have bugs. I cant's forgive it, because I appreciate this site too much to blame it.

the fight was awesome, much more interesting than the manga. but you know what will happen next? after the heugo mundo arc 'ends' or suspends, ichigo will have to fight the hollow again (it says it's coming back). that'll be much more powerful than bankai! because he never really masters the powers of a hollow.
sorry to post so long, just wanted to get your views on the real ichigo vs hollow fight hinted at.

I love anitube.

Anonymous said...

apology for multipost. unintentional stuffup

Unknown said...


im going to watch this video again because i for some reason either dont remember or blacked out during the fight scene as i cant recall anything but 1 hit . . . if its all there is im going to be rather disappointed :( but i guess in the end it was still a good episode.

i actually lied and just watched the fight scene again and i give it props still.


Unknown said...

you guys are amazing, thanks for putting this up~!!!!!!!! =D

anitube said...

Thank you for clearing that out. I guess people simply skip any kind of reading when they get so excited. O well...

The good news is veoh hosted version is ready. I don't need to worry about bandwidth anymore.

Anonymous said...

OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING BLEACH EPISODES!!!!!!! I love bleach and I got really pissed off at youtube for deleting the vids. I am trully greatfull I'm sure alot of people are greatfull too. Keep up with such great work and I'll be waiting for the next episode.

LadyStar said...

Ohhhh!!!! Can't wait to see this xD Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thank you man!!!!!! Plz keep uploading ur the only hope for me too watch bleach without downloading ^_^

Anonymous said...

question when ichigo says sorry why doesent it go any further?

Anonymous said...

This is awsome, the only ngative thing i have to say about Bleach is that hardly anything happens in an episode

That same blogger: Sean

Anonymous said...

First off, Thanks a lot for the uploads

second off, I think the video is having an error on it because it wont move past 5:18. Plz check it out.

anitube said...

Have you at least tried those video troubleshooting tips posted on top of every page?

Anonymous said...

yes tried all the troubleshooting tips. the video still stops at the same place.
does it run fine for u?

anitube said...

Well, there are hundreds of people watching it w/o any problems. Try testing your connection speed. Your download speed should be at least 300kpbs.

Otherwise, try to catch these creatures called the Geeks (hint: use pizza as bait). They should be able to take a look at your computer and figure out the problems.

Anonymous said...

man does hollow ichigo die cuzz i dont want him tooo!!! ichigo looks cool with the mask though

Anonymous said...

dude, the guy who thinks ichigo will fight the hollow again.

names thomas.
whoy won't anything load anymore. are we(more importantly, am I?) cut off. just wondering aloud. please clarify before my head explodes.

Anonymous said...

why is that it appears NO DATA AVAILABLE??? i cant watch it!!!

anitube said...

If you are using IE7/WinXP, try opening it with Firefox or Opera instead. Let me know if it works.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting bored watching bleach for some reasons...wait for a week or so for ~20mins nonsense! But I'll still continue to support bleach and ichigo and rukia cos I want to see them fight Aizen and top espada like Ulquiorra!! This would be fun for sure after ichigo can manage this least.

kurosaki, kuchiki, you're all awesome!


Unknown said...


Hey Anitube i have noticed the same problem that a lot of people are having, and i think one of the solutions is to load up the webpage with all the videos hidden (or just hte first one up). I noticed this when i tried to watch claymore and darker than black that the older episodes wouldnt load if the first or second video was up, not loading and paused, but just shown.

As far as the not going past might i suggest to tell people to just skipping a small section of it to see if its just the one part of the video or the whole time, and as a solution to restart your computer. I had the problem where i couldnt watch 2 parts on Naruto Shippuuden 13 and i skipped about 20 seconds total of the episode came back the next day and watched the parts i missed.

I hope this has helped :D


Unknown said...


O ya and anitube im running at like 2500 kbs download speed so that wasnt it for me :D


Anonymous said...

hey is it possible to be a member of anitube?