Tips on Troubleshooting Video Problems

It's confirmed there are incompatibilities in Internet Explorer which prevent the video from playing. All videos play just fine on other browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari). Sorry, I didn't realize this problem sooner. I've been using Firefox all this time and it's been a while since I tested the site on IE. If you don't have one installed already, here is a link to download .

Some of you are having troubles watching these videos. They are in higher quality than the ones on YouTube, hence bigger file size. Not to mention they are also not divided into small parts (unless for movies which run for more than one hour). Consequently, they require high speed bandwidth. If your internet connection is not so fast, you should at least make the most out of it. I suggest to temporarily avoid sharing the same connection with other computers and softwares. Yes, it includes those porn and hentai downloads. ;p

Try the following for problems where videos are not playing for their entire length or not even loading at all:

  • Use the [+/-] Show/Hide Video link to reload it.
  • Restart your web browser.
Additional tips from fellow Outcasts:
  • Restart your web browser, go to Properties and clear your cache/temporary internet files, cookies, and history.
  • Right click on the video and go to Settings. Click on the folder icon to the left of the Close button and increase the Local Storage space.
Another tip is clicking pause on video will not stop it from loading. The video does not play but it loads in the background. If you have slower internet connection, make sure you don't leave any videos in pause (other than the one you are watching). Clicking [+/-] Show/Hide Video link to hide the video will stop it from loading.

Some people are having a hard time finding the video. They are hidden to save space so that all the latest episodes are in one page. All you need to do is click on the text link [+/-] Show/Hide Video. <= Go ahead try it out. Clicking it will toggle to either Show or Hide the video. Well, in this case it's a Tetris game. Thanks to these Russians, I still can't get enough of it even at the age of Wii, PS3, and XBOX360.

P – Pause/unpause game

Q – Quit game

M – Mute/unmute sound

Z – Rotate counter-clockwise

Left arrow – Move shape left

Right arrow – Move shape right

Down arrow – Drop shape faster

X or
Up – Rotate clockwise

Death Note 30

Spoiler Warning!! [+/-] Show/Hide Synopsis...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yagami Light! Go and kick Near's ass! But I don't think Near will die so easily. He'll at least find out some ways, which will make Light to say, "Nani? How could this happen, baka!" lol


Anonymous said...

AAAHHH!!!! WHYYYY??? T_T I've to wait for the next cap... x_X i going to die...

Kira's fan

Anonymous said...

i agree with W...this seems a little too easy for Near to die like this. Just as Mello too and how he is still alive. i thought "Oh, he's going to die so soon??"

Anonymous said...

OH SNAP!!!!! nuff sed

Yor blogg'n bud: Sean

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, the end of Yagami Light is nearest, I am waiting my death being avenged... Near, this trap is nothing than crap to you, I know that!!!

Korey said...

It's almost over. I think Death Note is suppose to only go up to 36 episodes.
Damn, Never should have killed L in the first place. The game is no fun when you have no one to play against!

Anonymous said...

whats up with the count down thing, it always says 026 days ?? hrs ?? mins ?? sec. It really isnt 26 days so do we just count the hours, mins and seconds? plz respond Anitube. . . just curious

anitube said...

Currently, it should say "Countdown Complete". And that's exactly what appears on my screen. What about the rest of you? What is the countdown clock showing on your screen?

Anonymous said...

Mmm... My countdown clock says "Countdown Complete" too.

But, anyway, is true that are only 36 caps of DN??? O_O

`peppermint. said...

thanks for uploading! seriously, i dun like tat guy from tv station. zzz... n i feel tat L is still better than N... hmms. maybe cos L had much more experience n he's older... *no offence* just wanted to say how i feel abt N... (:

Anonymous said...

near nd mello are like a seperared L, they have his great deduction trait but near is too passive nd mello too drastic. but if they wdv wrkd 2gther prprly Light wd have gone down already. anyway ights gna die so doesnt matter

Anonymous said...

But I don't think Near and Mello work together make the things any better cos even L has died(few episodes ago). Even if both of them already suspected Light or finally tried to get him, Light will sure think out someway to counteract (maybe hard for him though...he's a bright mind!) I'm not sure if he'd really lead to justice but at least he won't end up like L.

And one thing comes to my mind now is: what would happen when Yagami Light put his own name down on the note book?


Anonymous said...

yet another reason to hate bush...damn you chicken/maggot president!!

Anonymous said...

i thought thats the president of the united states but why is he speaking japanese?! lols...^^

Anonymous said...


I want Near to die!

He'll never replace L so :P

Go get 'em Light!

Anonymous said...

does n e body know the old L's name?????

Anonymous said...

it stops at 12:37...

Anonymous said...

Not untill today di I think of how Near is younger than L.Stupid toy carXD!"7%chance at best..."Now who else said that...L~^^!!

What a world of fear.And yet the sink is shiny...

WHAT,HE PASSSED A APPLE TO-TO..RYUK--OOHH AHHHHH,WAIT,RYUK GETS APPLES ALL THE TIME NOW ARE YOU TELLING ME!?FROM EVERYNONE...Gakkoi ni...even if that's spelled right,it's not good enough to expres...lucky bum.What happened to Meelo's fa--maybe I missed it,seeing as EPS HAVE EBEN CUT!
BEST RULE EVER!!!Mispell the rule 4 times and die BITCH!

OMG,WHEN DID N FIND OUT ALL THE RULES!?And DAMN...I didn't even guess he'd guess that.A..ahhh~ amazing!

Anonymous said...

The clip is no longer available. Please reupload, please?

Anonymous said...

the video is not here anymore .
please upload again ...please and thank you . T_T

Anonymous said...

Duuuuuude. Near is on yagami's ass. . .i think near will defeat light. . . That asshole. i miss L .. He was so Sick.

And the president sucks ass. im sure bush would blame it on iraq. . lol

No but ye itd be funny.

Anonymous said...

If Light kills Near, I will personally hand him his ass! He can't kill L and then Near in the span of a few episodes, that just isn't right.

Kira is a total disgrace, I used to think Light was pretty cool, but he has gone way too far.

I miss L!