Tips on Troubleshooting Video Problems

It's confirmed there are incompatibilities in Internet Explorer which prevent the video from playing. All videos play just fine on other browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari). Sorry, I didn't realize this problem sooner. I've been using Firefox all this time and it's been a while since I tested the site on IE. If you don't have one installed already, here is a link to download .

Some of you are having troubles watching these videos. They are in higher quality than the ones on YouTube, hence bigger file size. Not to mention they are also not divided into small parts (unless for movies which run for more than one hour). Consequently, they require high speed bandwidth. If your internet connection is not so fast, you should at least make the most out of it. I suggest to temporarily avoid sharing the same connection with other computers and softwares. Yes, it includes those porn and hentai downloads. ;p

Try the following for problems where videos are not playing for their entire length or not even loading at all:

  • Use the [+/-] Show/Hide Video link to reload it.
  • Restart your web browser.
Additional tips from fellow Outcasts:
  • Restart your web browser, go to Properties and clear your cache/temporary internet files, cookies, and history.
  • Right click on the video and go to Settings. Click on the folder icon to the left of the Close button and increase the Local Storage space.
Another tip is clicking pause on video will not stop it from loading. The video does not play but it loads in the background. If you have slower internet connection, make sure you don't leave any videos in pause (other than the one you are watching). Clicking [+/-] Show/Hide Video link to hide the video will stop it from loading.

Some people are having a hard time finding the video. They are hidden to save space so that all the latest episodes are in one page. All you need to do is click on the text link [+/-] Show/Hide Video. <= Go ahead try it out. Clicking it will toggle to either Show or Hide the video. Well, in this case it's a Tetris game. Thanks to these Russians, I still can't get enough of it even at the age of Wii, PS3, and XBOX360.

P – Pause/unpause game

Q – Quit game

M – Mute/unmute sound

Z – Rotate counter-clockwise

Left arrow – Move shape left

Right arrow – Move shape right

Down arrow – Drop shape faster

X or
Up – Rotate clockwise

Elfen Lied 1

"A Chance Encounter ~ Begegnung"
Spoiler Warning!! [+/-] Show/Hide Synopsis...


Anonymous said...

Why isn't it english?

Anonymous said...

you can get it in english if you want. just wait a couple years till they dub it

Anonymous said...

lol,so gory.

Anonymous said...

*sigh* Now this is some beautiful animation quality, and what a great series. thnx

Anxious to watch this again: Sean

Anonymous said...

Quote-Anonymous said...
you can get it in english if you want. just wait a couple years till they dub it

I meant english sub, I don't understand anything...

Anonymous said...

the video wont open.
x appears top left of box

Anonymous said...

"*sigh* Now this is some beautiful animation quality, and what a great series. thnx" I can't say it any better. What an amazing anime thanks for putting it up.

Anonymous said...

you need active x

Anonymous said...

is the opening song in Latin or something besides Japaneses?

Anonymous said...

Im disappointed by the throughput of this show, buffering every 5 sec is bad. i really wanted to check this show out

Glacian22 said...

I love that these are encoded in such high quality! Is there any chance of this becoming the standard for all of the other shows on anitube?

anitube said...

I am thinking about it. Have you tried watching it in full screen? It's just as good as it gets when you download it from torrent. But, some people are having buffering problems. I think it's because their internet bandwidth is not fast enough to stream it. With the current compression technology, file size is still too big for streaming video of this quality.

Believe it or not, some people are still running Win98/ME. They should at least try Ubuntu Live CD.

Unknown said...

I really loved this series, thanks for uplaoding it for us.

Unknown said...

i LOVE that you uploaded this series! Not only is it beautiful, it's got some fucking awesome graphics. Thanks man, you made my life, its a great pick me up especially during a stressful finals study time, haha.

Anonymous said...

ah I want to watch this but it keeps making me download stuff. And if I dont all I get is an X in the corner. Is there a way to put this show in like all the rest you have up? : )

Anonymous said...

Ahh nevermind xD I got it to work. Thanks for uploading! Im watching the second episode and am almost finished x3 I love this series.. I watched it a long time ago xD

Anonymous said...

i can watch the movie......

they cant download it :-(

Anonymous said...

Seen the series awhile ago and have been waiting anxiously to see if another season would come out. Does anyone know anything about a 2nd season coming out?

Anonymous said...

how come i can't view the video!?

Anonymous said...

Hmm I can't seem to get it to work. I have the plug-in installed but every time I go to play the video it states that it cannot download it. Any ideas on what's wrong with it?

Anonymous said...

is there anyway to download this anime ? i cant seem to find it anywhere except this site :(

Anonymous said...

great episode. i look forward to watching the rest. doesn't nyuu remind you of chii from chobits?

Anonymous said...

really great anime and i didn't watch it before (yeah blame me for that ^^) i'm now richer on anime experience thx ^^

Anonymous said...

omg the beginning of the greatest anime.

Anonymous said...

if i click on "Options" and then on "Download" nothing happens, why? :(

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, theres something about this show that I can't quite put my finger on.

It's like the character designs are all wrong, they look like they're from Digimon, but they're splurting gallons of blood.

A bit silly really. Still great quality video though. :)

Anonymous said...

:D this anime is so beautiful lol.
(Don't think it's for 18+ ,but 14+ although.. I'm 20.)

Wuchu said...

the beginning of a beautiful, yet gory anime. nah, its more like 12+ =]

Anonymous said...

it won't load =[ i wnna see it darn -.-

Anonymous said...

YA!! i can't watch it either!! sobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

the vid has expired!!

Anonymous said...

re up please?

Anonymous said...

please re up?