Tips on Troubleshooting Video Problems

It's confirmed there are incompatibilities in Internet Explorer which prevent the video from playing. All videos play just fine on other browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari). Sorry, I didn't realize this problem sooner. I've been using Firefox all this time and it's been a while since I tested the site on IE. If you don't have one installed already, here is a link to download .

Some of you are having troubles watching these videos. They are in higher quality than the ones on YouTube, hence bigger file size. Not to mention they are also not divided into small parts (unless for movies which run for more than one hour). Consequently, they require high speed bandwidth. If your internet connection is not so fast, you should at least make the most out of it. I suggest to temporarily avoid sharing the same connection with other computers and softwares. Yes, it includes those porn and hentai downloads. ;p

Try the following for problems where videos are not playing for their entire length or not even loading at all:

  • Use the [+/-] Show/Hide Video link to reload it.
  • Restart your web browser.
Additional tips from fellow Outcasts:
  • Restart your web browser, go to Properties and clear your cache/temporary internet files, cookies, and history.
  • Right click on the video and go to Settings. Click on the folder icon to the left of the Close button and increase the Local Storage space.
Another tip is clicking pause on video will not stop it from loading. The video does not play but it loads in the background. If you have slower internet connection, make sure you don't leave any videos in pause (other than the one you are watching). Clicking [+/-] Show/Hide Video link to hide the video will stop it from loading.

Some people are having a hard time finding the video. They are hidden to save space so that all the latest episodes are in one page. All you need to do is click on the text link [+/-] Show/Hide Video. <= Go ahead try it out. Clicking it will toggle to either Show or Hide the video. Well, in this case it's a Tetris game. Thanks to these Russians, I still can't get enough of it even at the age of Wii, PS3, and XBOX360.

P – Pause/unpause game

Q – Quit game

M – Mute/unmute sound

Z – Rotate counter-clockwise

Left arrow – Move shape left

Right arrow – Move shape right

Down arrow – Drop shape faster

X or
Up – Rotate clockwise

Elfen Lied 13

"No Return ~ Erleuchtung"
Spoiler Warning!! [+/-] Show/Hide Synopsis...


Unknown said...

this was such a beautiful series, i wish they made more like this!

Anonymous said...


sooo sad...makes me want to cry!!!!

man this is the best anime movie ever!!!!!! so sad... and the part where they kissed was so.... touching!! =*D

Unknown said...

I almost cried.
it's so emotionally touching!

Anonymous said...

i did cry. it was just so touching and sad. that Latin song really fit well with the story. i wonder if they could make a sequel that would be of the same quality?

Anonymous said...

this was one awesome anime..... I have to admit that I'm crying cuz I didn't wanted to end... T_T...
Anitube you rock... thankx 4 uploading such an awesome anime...

Anonymous said...

i loved this series but it feels like the writers just ran out of stuff to happen so they said "lets just kill lucy! the end"

Anonymous said...

why is it that so many anime series have relationships with cousins? is that normal over in japan?

Anonymous said...

it used to be normal in japan

Anonymous said...

This was the best series yet. So Sad, the end reminded me of nyuu (lucy)
I hope the 2nd season comes out...

Chiller said...

Um it's ok to cry , and lucy doesn't actually die in the end:D she just loses her horns to symbolise becoming human

Anonymous said...

Damn this was nice episode

Anonymous said...

this was a great anime i wish they would make another ep. just to show what happened to lucy all the parts when they were little were very touching and i have to admit to crying a little does n e one know of other animes close to this one

Anonymous said...

There are alot of unanswered questions.

What did the director general mean when he said the project "just started"?

What about Lucy showing up at the front door?

There just might be a sequel...hopefully.

Unknown said...

yo the story had a great ending almost made me cry, but the thing is there might be more cuz the anime series is only 60 out of 110 chapters of the manga so there might be a sequel

Anonymous said...

sad made me cry I wisghed that lucy wouldnt have diedove this anime

Unknown said...

she didnt die im reading the manga and she never died her horn broke off and now lucy is dead but nyuu lives on

Anonymous said...

I liekd the symbolism at the end, Lucy loses her horns...and as the music box quits's almost as if the melody was taken in exchange for Lucy's life.

I can't read the manga, I don't think, but I think that maybe Lucy no longer has her maybe the horns were like anntennae that controlled them.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful anime!

Loved Lucy's character more than Nyuu even though she's such a kitten lol

Am sure there will be a second season,..

Anonymous said...

What happened to the boob sucking :(?

Anonymous said...

im about to cry and to that anonymous person not everything in life is about boobs how stupid is that what u were looking for the entire time?this is a beautiful anime stop being a perv about it can't u appreciate it geez...but anyway this is the best anime next ti full moon wo sagashite.its truly the best i've ever seen.(sigh)i wish it didnt have to end im going to miss this show,you don't come across many animes like this one

Anonymous said...

i loved the series but it ended too soon and i didnt like the cliff hanger ending ... made me have too many questions other than that it was a great series

and i wish that there were other episodes but i doubt that there will be any others since the anime was made in 2004

Anonymous said...

Lol to the perv who has been waiting for the boob sucking.
Honestly this is one of the best anime I've watched. Just like in Now and then, here and there it has a very serious and appealing story.

Thanks to this site you rock mah man keep posting cool anime series.

Anonymous said...

i love this anime! :]
im so glad i watched it
this is one of the best anime

Anonymous said...

Thats all ? o.0

Anonymous said...

is there suppose to be boob sucking?????? i missed out then...

Anonymous said...

i loved this anime and yeah i agree it ended way to soon this anime is defantly my favorite it makes me wanna cry ):

Anonymous said...

I did cry :S Throughout the entire last 15 minutes.

I was upset for Mariko! Don't ask me why; I hate her so much, but Kurama..! OH!!! T_T

Anonymous said...

probably the best
thanks for the series

Anonymous said...

dang no massive orgy

great ending its a shame iut didnt last longer

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

-Sniff- Oh god why..T~T why's this the last ep! T~T WHY GOD!!
It was so beautifully romantic T-T

Unknown said...


I liked the animation but i cant say i was overly excited about this series, reasons:

1) cliffhanger ending! omg i hate that shit its like its the freaking end just tell us wtf is happening already and end it!

2) i felt like it only partially developed its reason for the vectors and the pink hair pink eyed girls (could of made several more Eps just getting into that problem)

3) if lucy was say #1 and nana was #7 that leaves 2 - 6 still alive that is 5 more of them alive what happened to them? also bring into the fact that the directors daughter was number 35 that only leaves what 32 alive now? what happened to all of those? did they kill them? are they gonna use them as weapons? will more of these come into the world?

4) The director had horns, COMPLETELY saw it coming BUT wtf does that mean? why did the 2 guys have small dinky horns and no vectors nor any will to kill without a second though? Were they just carriors? are males no affected by the traits? how many other men in the world wear wigs to cover up their horns? (jokes : i wear pants to cover up my horn :D lol )

5) what happened to luci, aparently it was answered in the manga why fall short? lack of money because of the nipple nudity making it so not as many people wanted to see it? i mean wtf come on why would you stop half way though?

6) What happens to that special agent guy who Luci kicked the crap out of but didnt kill? did he keep pursuing them and try to kill them again? did he die from blood loss?

7) now that the direct, the directors assistant, the generals son who was a scientist, the other scientist at the end that luci killed, the scientist's who were working on #35 have died who else is running the show? and how can the project just begin when your main researchers have just died?

8) what is the project? if it is just beginning then wtf took you so long? what were the tests on just the vectors? why were they so interested in the vectors and not the horns? did they ever try to cut off the horns to make the vectors go away?

These are most of the things that are running though my mind that were never answer. I cant understand how people leave a cliff hanger ending to an Ep fully knowing there isnt gonna be another Ep? That kinda kills it for me.


HOWEVER i REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY liked the style of animation on this anime, it made me REALLY happy to see such good animation. I do wish they made more with this good of quality. I mostly liked the story line but i wish there would of been more to it at the end.

thats just your thoughts and if you can answer any of my questions please do i would REALLY like to know alot of the answers.

Dont forget to click the sponcer ads as they fund this site and allow anitube to keep uploading and updating his site!

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Anonymous said...

i love this anime! i wish there was more. and i did cry as well

Anonymous said...

there were reasons for all the dieing and so on in this is what i think im just glad to here that lucy dint die ...just wondering what happens next...???

Anonymous said...

OMG lucy T-T. i loved the series but it ended horribly. Now for the next 4 weeks (or until naruto updates) ima wonder... WTF IS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I watched this series back in the day when YouTube still had anime on it TT_TT I've always loved it and found it a treat being able to go back and watch through it again.

Lucy rocks, and I highly doubt she dies because seriously... that would stink! I really like her character (way more then Yuka!! Die Yuka!!) and now I have the "I just finished a new series" urge to go and read fanfics :)

Anonymous said...


Other then the ending it was WAY up there on all the animes ive watched.

and im pretty sure theat she didnt die cuz of how the ending was....


Anonymous said...

this was the most amazing ending for an anime i ever saw i have no problem saying i cried during certain parts but this anime is a true work of art

Anonymous said...

i think that that was lucy, well and for what i've read shee didn't die that was so obvious. They have too make the second season, because they have to kill the director and lucy must apear again

Wuchu said...

lucy doesn't have those horns anymore. =S

elfen lied = cool anime

Anonymous said...

AHHHHHH! I've had the theme song stuck in my head for a week. Everyone is asking me why I am so gloomy! Why was it only 13.5 episodes looong? WHHHYYYY?!!?