Tips on Troubleshooting Video Problems
Some of you are having troubles watching these videos. They are in higher quality than the ones on YouTube, hence bigger file size. Not to mention they are also not divided into small parts (unless for movies which run for more than one hour). Consequently, they require high speed bandwidth. If your internet connection is not so fast, you should at least make the most out of it. I suggest to temporarily avoid sharing the same connection with other computers and softwares. Yes, it includes those porn and hentai downloads. ;p
Try the following for problems where videos are not playing for their entire length or not even loading at all:
- Use the [+/-] Show/Hide Video link to reload it.
- Restart your web browser.
- Restart your web browser, go to Properties and clear your cache/temporary internet files, cookies, and history.
- Right click on the video and go to Settings. Click on the folder icon to the left of the Close button and increase the Local Storage space.
Some people are having a hard time finding the video. They are hidden to save space so that all the latest episodes are in one page. All you need to do is click on the text link [+/-] Show/Hide Video. <= Go ahead try it out. Clicking it will toggle to either Show or Hide the video. Well, in this case it's a Tetris game. Thanks to these Russians, I still can't get enough of it even at the age of Wii, PS3, and XBOX360.
While Gai's group must fight against Kisame in order to proceed, Kakashi's group is cut off by another familiar face...Itachi Uchiha! Kakashi and Naruto team up and face the legendary ninja, but will even that be enough?
YEAH! damn i <3 this site!!!
Sean, Mr Blogger...
I am waiting for your comment over here.. :p
But slow down, damn it.. You swallowed everything I uploaded too fast. I can hardly keep up with you. hehee.. I hope you're having a lot of fun.
annaqtjoey: again, thanks for the synopsis.
is it just me or is naruto getting HOOOOT??!!??? can't wait to see what happens next!! thanx anidude. thou rocketh
i think i am going to give up anime for a year, so that i dont have to see episodes like this where basicly nothing happened. I mean the longest Synopsis i can think of is like "Kisame spits up an ocean in the desert and traps the youth of team gui, and Kakashi and itachi have a staring contest then naruto gets effected by a genjutsu" i mean COME ON ALL THAT IN 20 FREAKNG MINS! i swear some episodes just BUG mme especially when they leave SUCH A HUGE CLIFF HANGER like shippudon 12.
Anyway i am not giving up anime but i do miss the days when i could watch 1 - 190 in the same week.
Is it just me or is anyone elses video completely stopping? The other episodes are loading and playing fine but this episode is playing choppy and stopping at around the 8 minute mark. This makes me a sad panda.
And before anyone asks, No I don't have dialup I have cable, yes I know how to properly use basic instructions to view films and lastly I have given this episode an enormous amount of time to load, so <_< yeah. Sad panda D:
Best part of that entire episode was chibi-Sakura whacking chibi-Itachi upside the head with that stick. :'D
*Oh man.. You rule soooooo bad..
Freaking awsome. Love ya!!
TY for upload and keep it up.. I am your biggest fan;)
How come i can't see? It says "No Data is available"
I usually can watch to videos, but not right now, anyone help?
Thank you for the upload but seriously in the time i left it to load till even half i coulda downloaded it and finished. Naruto was tooooooooooo slow to load :o! I got Dsl cable and its pretty fast so dunno why it was extremely slow.
i can't see it how come
If you are using IE7/WinXP, try opening it with Firefox or Opera instead. Let me know if it works.
wooh, thanks fot the ep, you're the best! I still hoåe you would but more romeo x juliet here;O
it stops at 9:01 damn... this only happens recently... i've been watching videos here for a long time now but it only happened now... first in bleach 125 then naruto! so sad!
i expect this fight will last from 5 to 10 episodes in which they'll continuously lose over and over again and then get up to show some new move and then get beat up again and then in naruto's fight naruto will curse then promise that he will beat Itachi for some lame reason but get beaten several times anyways until finally Itachi will probably retreat or something. I should do the same as killsquad and stop watching this anime for some time so i can see the entire fight together...
idk why mine stops at 15:31 i keep refreshin , closing and openin internet but still stops at the same place and the loading bar is gone im about to restart the computers or sumthin -_-'
It will be better if they do at least 2 episodes a week, waiting for 1 week to watch a new episode when nothing cool really happens? It kinda pisses me off.
awesome!! i hate youtbe
i bet naruto got stuck in the illusion you can so tell!!!!!!!!!!
when does the next one come in???
O_o omg. i think half of this episode was them just standing around staring at each other. they just like to drag things out too much in the anime. anyway, thanks for uploading :) .
I know what you all mean when you say the video stops at certain points, BUT!! if the music is still running in the back ground it means its still playing and unfortunatly you just have to skip a little bit and move ahead. So far it has only happened to me on Naruto Shippuuden 13 but im hoping that it was just a one time thing.
Hope this helped and i agree with the Anonymous that said they wish that they would just make 2 episodes in 2 weeks then 1 completely boring episode 1 week and a better one the next week. Tis like a movie its boring as freak in the beginning (some not all) and then REALLY exciting in the end.
One thing i do like about these episdoes though is the fact that they explain a lost of things. One being the fact that Itachi uses genjutsu out of his kalidescope Sharinggon, this is something i didnt know i figured it was something OTHER then genjutsu because it did work on kakashi who can see though genjutsu. Another thing is that it explains that Gai is a complete and total idiot (if you didnt already know) which makes me laugh. But alas i was merely interested in know about Itachi lol.
Sorry for the mulitiple posts i seem to always have more stupid crap to say ^.^
Kisame's laugh is so funny sounding! LOL! Can't wait for the next ep...
Naruto: Shippūden the Movie is the fourth film based on the Naruto manga and anime series by Masashi Kishimoto. It was announced on November 22, 2006, in that week's issue of Shonen Jump. The movie will be released in theaters on August 4, 2007. Pre-sale tickets have been available since April 21, 2007.
The movie will take place during Naruto: Shippūden. According to teasers in issue 20 of Weekly Shonen Jump, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Neji Hyuga, Rock Lee, and Choji Akimichi will be the main characters. The only detail about the plot given is the vague headline that "Naruto dies."
In the trailers, Naruto is attacked and presumably killed by ten figures, all of whom glow dark purple and can fire similarly-colored energy blasts. His headband is cut off during the attack, and his attempt to form a Spiraling Sphere fails. Naruto's friends are seen standing around a gravestone in the following scene, his torn headband hanging from one edge.
It should be noted that Naruto doesnt actually die. Otherwise there would be no series
Grrr it sucks really.I was hoping more of them fighting and defeating itachi and that ugly water beast.I liked the bit when sakura healed konkorou and naruto was like dayum.That bit was cute.I think naruto and gaara have alot in common.I just wish gaara was in more of the eps as naruto is :(.My favs are naruto and gaara.And a bit of lee cuz hes hardcase lol
Youtube has deleted most of the illegal naruto eps :(.So sad i watched most of the first eps.And only a few left,but this site is so much better since it has the latest eps.Thank you so much.I would have killed myself if you hadn't of did this for us animetubers :(.............................Ty ty ty ty ty so much :D
No i dont want naruto to die :(.He is a fighter and never gives up.Im sure he wont die because his goal is to be Hokage and that if he is destined to die why was it even stated that he was going to become a Hokage and all that hard work -.- dayum this sucks :( comments from last week arent there! oh well this was another shity episode of starring contests
Getting tired of naruto: Sean
i noticed that episodes on this website freeze sometimes; i tried again (after turning off my azureus downloads) n it works every single time flawlessly.
so... i would conclude everyone who's episodes freeze at some point. dudes and dudettes try turning off softwares like azurues, bitlord, bitcomet, limewire etc etc. trust me it does make a differences esp when ur internet speed is less than 4 mb.
whens next episode coming?
argh hopefully its not one of those days when it skips a week... or two
(00:57) no shit! , is sakura dumb?
i mean like everyi knos that
how can lee walk on water doesnt that require chakra and lee cant mold it right
I find it funny that they can spend an episode talking about how they'll fight Itachi without actually fighting him.
I'd be really freaked out if I were Naruto. D:
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