Tips on Troubleshooting Video Problems

It's confirmed there are incompatibilities in Internet Explorer which prevent the video from playing. All videos play just fine on other browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari). Sorry, I didn't realize this problem sooner. I've been using Firefox all this time and it's been a while since I tested the site on IE. If you don't have one installed already, here is a link to download .

Some of you are having troubles watching these videos. They are in higher quality than the ones on YouTube, hence bigger file size. Not to mention they are also not divided into small parts (unless for movies which run for more than one hour). Consequently, they require high speed bandwidth. If your internet connection is not so fast, you should at least make the most out of it. I suggest to temporarily avoid sharing the same connection with other computers and softwares. Yes, it includes those porn and hentai downloads. ;p

Try the following for problems where videos are not playing for their entire length or not even loading at all:

  • Use the [+/-] Show/Hide Video link to reload it.
  • Restart your web browser.
Additional tips from fellow Outcasts:
  • Restart your web browser, go to Properties and clear your cache/temporary internet files, cookies, and history.
  • Right click on the video and go to Settings. Click on the folder icon to the left of the Close button and increase the Local Storage space.
Another tip is clicking pause on video will not stop it from loading. The video does not play but it loads in the background. If you have slower internet connection, make sure you don't leave any videos in pause (other than the one you are watching). Clicking [+/-] Show/Hide Video link to hide the video will stop it from loading.

Some people are having a hard time finding the video. They are hidden to save space so that all the latest episodes are in one page. All you need to do is click on the text link [+/-] Show/Hide Video. <= Go ahead try it out. Clicking it will toggle to either Show or Hide the video. Well, in this case it's a Tetris game. Thanks to these Russians, I still can't get enough of it even at the age of Wii, PS3, and XBOX360.

P – Pause/unpause game

Q – Quit game

M – Mute/unmute sound

Z – Rotate counter-clockwise

Left arrow – Move shape left

Right arrow – Move shape right

Down arrow – Drop shape faster

X or
Up – Rotate clockwise

Bleach 149

"The Collapsing Forest, a Million Menos"
Spoiler Warning!! [+/-] Show/Hide Synopsis...

WidgetBucks - Trend Watch -


Anonymous said...

woot first

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Awesome. Thanks anitube!

Anonymous said...

4rth! yay!

Anonymous said...

hate to say this i the 5th???



ps: the lil girl was once an espada.

Anonymous said...

yea nel was the 3rrrd. damn im 6th

Anonymous said...

hey, a bit of manga at the end, woot.


p.s. unmarked spoilers are bad

Brandon said...

=] yes

TatsujinKurai said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks For Uploading!!

Anonymous said...

Finally, no more filler for some time,
I loled hard at the ending

Anonymous said...

NO 12 i giv u spolier every dies hahaha i like de last aprt >.< zabimaru cahnge de gender >.< to a sexy women cannot think of that ssi >.<

Anonymous said...

wait.... so is this site still functioning or what? Isn't AniJunkie a replacement?

Btw, i love AniTube more than I love AniJunkie; so far all i've got there at AniJunkie are broken links for the latest videos... And the interface is so terribly cluttered..

Anonymous said...

^^ arigato for the upload, sir

Anonymous said...

well i actually watched this episode on anijunkie. but if i had realized earlier that your were still uploading i would have watched here!!!
on the one side ani junkie has more animees but on the other hand this site is way (!!!) better than junkie!!! wished one could combine them ^^

thx anitube

Anonymous said...

the captains in soul sou. will help ichigo and the rest of them will rukia is almost dead... renji and ishida got destroyed by an evil scientist and chad will became gay

Anonymous said...

I thought Chad was already gay...

Anonymous said...

thanks anitube. i like how youre still keeping this site going while monitoring anime junkie. keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

finally some decent animation, oh and renji is a perv;he wants to turn zabimaru into his sexual plaything

Anonymous said...

berrrrrrrrrrry berrrrrrry interesting

Anonymous said...

Yea now that's a sword I can be proud of lol


Anonymous said...

dam i wanna see Nel Espada form already.. big boobs and 3rd espada woot!

Anonymous said...

people who spoil should be banned or something...

Anonymous said...

Personally keep this site anijunkie is so buggy and cluttered and there are alot of broken links. So keep up the hard work here anitube :D anijunkie isnt anywhere near as good as this site :D

Anonymous said...

nell is a freaking hourse hahahahahhahahaha she has a lance and she can lick your dick good

Anonymous said...

thanks for the upload anitube ;)

Anonymous said...

"Change its species and gender?!"
"Do it right away, please!"


Unknown said...

is this ashido guy a filler?
cuz i didn't see him in the manga

Anonymous said...

yes its all filler from the time they fell underground, till the last 5 secs of this episode

Anonymous said...

thanx anitube!!!!!!!! love youz a lot!!! and anybody know where to get the lil latin violin souns at? i love tem so much and i dont even like classical instruments

Anonymous said...

i think this ep is kinda stupid...

renji n itchigo arent that weak to be save by someone like ashido from the GILLIAN....they werent even sweating fighting the other menos earlier.....well i htink theyre trying to make it dramatic...oh well, ashido is the coolest looking character so far, besides from the bald guy....hehe

jus commenting:)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lol, did anyone notice that the hollow ashido was fighting, he's arm grew bacj after it got cut off once it froze

Anonymous said...

what is anitube up to??

they have missed a lot of one piece eps and they haven't put up d gray man 58 or 59

={ anitube please start uploding again!!!!!

WJUK said...

I think this site is officially abandoned.

I think we need a moment of silence for Anitube.


Well, *sigh* I guess it's off to Anijunkie we go. Even though I like this site better, much better organized and simpler.

Anonymous said...

Ya i agree with the above poster. Anitube really dropped the ball on this one. Anijunkie is not good at all.

Anonymous said...

finally at anijukie hav keroro i hav been telling to the webmaster abt dis fanilly it put

Anonymous said...

I also agree animejunkie is worse then this, but it is the best site out not that this one is gone

Anonymous said...

If you like this site better please post mabey if we are lucky they will switch back.

Anonymous said...

they wont switch back
the other site is as their best dream nd i decided to help them as i can nt tht i like the other site more bt its coz i was entertained nd happy by this site nd the hard work he provided to deliver the latest episodes with the best quality to our homes so i'll help him in the other site as a kind of pay back
nd i hope after everything is okay there he would update this one as well so tht all of us can watch it either sites

Anonymous said...

the last comment was made by me

Anonymous said...

so is anitube an abandoned child now?

Anonymous said...

Loving the anime, Thanks for the upload Anitube! Big kisses!

Gatorz03 said...

Sweet episode!

demondog89 said...

I like Anitube much more than Animejunkie. The only advantage animejunkie has is that it is community uploaded.... but if you made a clone site of this using blogger with a new gmail account and gave the password publicly you could do the same and have it much more like this site.

Animejunkie did sound good in theory though.


Anonymous said...

anijunkie doesn't work

Anonymous said...

hey anitube not to be disrespectful but you said that this site wasnt going to close down.. and now its been two weeks since you posted something new .. i guess you cant keep your word....

Anonymous said...

good bye anitube im going to miss you... you have been abandoned tears :(

Anonymous said...

this site is dead already... anijunkie is slow. its not good. i think you should just stick to this.

demondog89 said...

I'm not fond of sites like anijunkie because they rely too much on java and it gliches alot. This site is better in my opinion.

PS. stage6 as a host sux (not sure if you're using it but sites similar to anijunkie seem to end up relying on it), high quality but too slow on load time.

demondog89 said...

well forget the previous comments.

anijunkie will grow on me. I just tend to have a biased and prefer sites like this.


Anonymous said...

where r the episode 150 and 151?? T-T
*Cry cry*
now this site is goin down...juss screw anijunkie and stick with this plzzz

Anonymous said...

i feel betrayed, i was so loyal to this website.

I completely understand the underlying morals in anitube's creator creating the other website, but I find its design and overall functionality to be flawed, and i don't know about anyone else, but half the time i try access that site from a computer, it doesn't work. i'm sure many would agree, that we just like this website better.

please hear your fans, anitube
come back.

Anonymous said...

can you just have this website. it was a lot lot better. and you said that you werent gonna stop this site but there have been no new vids. can you just cut down on the number of anime and continue this site???

sharpeye said...

damed I liked this site better to .
the only upside of animejunkie is that it is community based and there are more anime...

Anonymous said...

baby come back!!

Anonymous said...

agreed, i like this site better too. :D

Anonymous said...

OMG i really hope this sites not stopping. i honestly say this site rocks and if its gonna be neglected i'd be really sad....
i'm trying to have hope that one day they will start to upload again

well at least the blogger works

- Bonji

Anonymous said...

come back plz ; /

Anonymous said...

the site is closed now? OMG!

Anonymous said...

I think we should all type our names and a petition to anijunkie telling the creator to abandon that one and come back to sorely missed and loved by all Anitube

demondog89 said...

hmmm.... if I'm not mistaken, since anijunkie has a short url Anitube probably paid for a domain name


Anonymous said...

I agree with kilroy..
I prefer Anime Tube way much better than Anime Junkie as it's neater & loads faster, please don't shut down this blog & keep it going. Hope more people will join in to help uploading more animes. Let's work together Anime Tube fans.


Anonymous said...

for sure
junkie is too messy

Anonymous said...

Anitube is alot better quality wise, but i suppose if its easier on the people running it then we cant complain, as they were using their own free time to upload vids for us.

Still goodby Anitube i'll miss you!

Anonymous said...

Anijunkie is not a good site. it lags , it sucks, and its slow! Anitube please come back =(

Anonymous said...

Maybe we could pitch in and maybe anitube could get a paypal account and we could donate and help him out so we could continue this site, it must be a lot of hard work and money to run this site.....besides I don't think a lot of people clicked on the blue adds.

Anonymous said...

:whimppering: but.. i thot.. that...anitube... said.. they wernt gunna close down the site!! :sobbs:

Anonymous said...

): ANITUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME BACK!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The New Site is:

Anonymous said...

everyone knows what the new site is, they just dont like it. Mann.... it would've bugged me less if he didn't say he wasn't gonna close this site. Anitube was far better than Anijunkie... but seeing how he missed 5wks of bleach and a bunch of other anime I think this site died. Mann... ANITUBE SHOULD ATLEAST LEAVE US A COMMENT THOUGH

Anonymous said...

They lied to us u_u

I like Anijunkie but i liked anitube better -.-

Anonymous said...

Whoever Is In Charge Of This Site Better F****** Keep Working On This Site

Anijunkie Is A Peace Of F****** S***, There Bunch Of F****** Junks

Anonymous said...

liar! T_T

Anonymous said...

you lied! T.T i liked anitube better! its cool players.. T.T why?! D: i liked anitube better! liars! T:

Anonymous said...

have all the videos been removed?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The ring chick is a buddy of mine so it doesn't bug me.... get a life you dumb 12yr old.

Anonymous said...

You know, I think I figured it out.... the videos don't work anymore because the javascript embedded must of been removed.

Anonymous said...

we can leave comments... no didn't think so.... just visited for old times sake...

anijunkie is going good.... still prefered this site and its faster load times but oh well....

man though... it has been awhile

Anonymous said...

keep it up yo!!! nice

Anime Episodes said...

woot love this episode >:D